The cheapest way is to prescreen with our presence tests. If you want more information like concentration of active ingredient you can use our quantitative (purity) tests.
Using the quantitative test without prescreening first is not the best solution because you will waste the test if there is no active ingredient inside. This is why we include for free one presence test.
Combining our cheap presence tests with quantitative test is the best option if you have more testing. If you buy our power pack which comes with 40 test vials, it will cost you less than $5 per test vial.
Both tests are very easy to use. The presence test is based on reading color. The test reagent will react with hormone and produce fluorescence under UV light. No fluorescence means fake product, no hormone inside. There will be different colors which allow distinguishing which hormone you have. The quantitative test is also very simple to use but more expensive to make. The quantitative test is based on different principles to provide results; there are no colors to read. It will identify the hormone and provide you with concentration of the active ingredient. You will know exactly how many mg/ml, mg/pill or % for raw material.